The Issue
King Ratansen is led to Singhal Kingdom (Sri Lanka) by a talking parrot - former friend of Padmini - who describes the beauty of Padmini (aka Padmavati), the Princess of Singhal Kingdom.
What? A talking parrot? This sounds like fiction. So, I googled out what Padmavati is all about and guess what I found. It is a fictional tale first written in 1540, while the quest by Alauddin Khilji to capture Chitor took place in 1303. And there exists no documented proof of existence of Padmavati.
Why all this hullabaloo I wonder? It could be a publicity stunt went horribly wrong, a political diversion to divert people from real issues, or just a few mindless folks leading the entire community on a senseless protest similar to what happened in Maharashtra on 3rd January, 2018 when the so-called followers of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar damaged property to stage a bandh.
And then we have the minister of higher education, Satyapal Singh, dismissing theory of evolution given by Darwin.
People of India, I humbly request you to have some sense before following our beloved leaders. Else, we will be the first democratic nation with a minister of dictators in politics and otherwise.
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