Door of My Dreams!
Weekend Oh Weekend! I missed you soo.... These are the thoughts every Friday eve, after living the 9to5 (or more precisely 10to6orLater) life. The plan for the weekend is simple. Rest. Rest has many forms. For some it is sleeping till late noon, for others lazing on the couch in front of a screen or even going out on a long drive.
My plans for the weekend are... well I never really have a plan for the weekend. Its always spend time doing nothing and hope that Monday never comes🤣. Sadly that never seems to work but I always hope for the best😉.
As usual my plan for this weekend was the same but then comes FamilyDooty (sounds so much better than - family duty). And alas I have to step out for some non-paid chore.
Travelling within Mumbai has become a nightmare especially by road thanks to all the "Work In Progress" signs. The only motivation for me to travel to work during the week is that I am getting paid for it but going out on a weekend, phew. Nevertheless, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. And so I put my foot on the gas pedal (more like vroom the accelerator handle) of the bike and off I go... (I wish I could say - to infinity and beyond) to traffic, pollution and hot sun.
When I was back home after 2 odd hours of listening to all the pee-poon, with grit spread all over the face, the only thing that I could think of was Doraemon. To be more precise, I so wished I had Anywhere-Door from Doraemon (For those of you who do not know what Anywhere-Door or Doraemon is - Fandom to the rescue - Check the Link).
Life would be so convenient. Just say the name of the place you wish to go to and open the door and Ta-Da! You are where you want to be. "One door to traverse them all".
If given the technology, resources and funding I would sure spend my time developing it but currently any form of teleportation is far from reality🙁.
For now I just wish that one of my descendants from the future happens to read this post and decides to pay me a visit and gift the Anywhere-Door😆. Until this happens let us all continue to live cribbing about the plight of traffic and be content with signs of "Inconvenience Regretted".
"Beam me up Scottie," should be your motto. Loved the idea. Teleportation be it.