
Showing posts from February, 2017

The Basic Guide for Humanity: Emergency Vehicles

This post comes few days late. I ought to put it the same day the incident happened, but then I procrastinate things and so it comes late. How could I have denied the one thing that defines me for a post. This is how I justify myself. There are somethings that grieve me about India and this incident is one of it. Not being anti-national (Felt I should clarify just so few bhakts and the so called nationalist patriots feel offended). Learn to take criticism India and improve on it (A suggestion from a low-key blogger). Now back to the event. It was a day in this week (don't remember the exact date), I was on my way to the office, waiting at the red light. Out of nowhere I start hearing the sirens wailing. I tried looking in the back from the rear view mirror to see what was coming or going. I was not able to see one so I presumed that it was on the opposite lane. After a while the siren grew louder and I could see in the corner of the mirror blue beacon flashing. I

The Unplanned Weekend

After a week (5 days) long of working we all look forward to the Weekend . Few of us start our weekend from Friday evening, while others don't really get a weekend to chill (mostly due to extra work). Some of us plan out things over the weekend, the rest let things plan the weekend for them. There are party animals club hopping and there are lazy asses not leaving the bed. All in all, everyone has a different persona of the weekend. Even I had similar weekend preferences and they varied everytime. There were planned or unplanned parties/trips at times and also long sleeps with binge watching/reading at other days. This weekender was decided to be for sleeping and binge watching the entire Harry Potter series. Ya I have never completely watched any of Potter movies except for the first one. This was the plan so I could have some context in conversations with Potter-heads. Most of the plans fail and so even this one went flop when my roomie/friend/colleague/s

Whispering Diary - Part 5

TaDa... Failed again. Oh my shrill voice. Doesn't let me do the Mr. Bean TaDa... You do not know Mr. Bean? GOoo... I can't have a conversation with someone so boring. Royson is better than you in this matter. Oh! you have watched Bean. That's nice. Hope you better not be lying. I have not lied and so I expect honesty from your part as well. Cause, Honesty is the Best Policy. It's been 3 weeks since I have gossiped. I was thinking I will stop RoyLeaks. Oh God! It is so difficult.  You still thinking what RoyLeaks is?? I can see it on your face. Boss, HERE!! Go refresh your memory. Now back to where we left. Aaaa.... Where did I finish?? Was it about the smile at the new place or the last day parties? Oh yeah, now I remember. It was about the last days. Oops.. Did I say a little too much? Now do not think about the smile, its for some other day. Ignore that. I will come back to it later. Promise. Aai shapath . Yes, ignore, erase, format last 1 m


I'm happy and I'm sad I'm funny and I'm mad Sometimes stupid, other times smart Thinking from the brain and the heart Sober for days or drunk for hours Empty minds or roaming in mars Love being alone And socialite to the bone Depending on the company I wear my mask This is me in 10 lines. And I don't always rhyme 😉 ‘This post is a part of  Write Over the Weekend , an initiative for  Indian Bloggers  by BlogAdda.’

A Walk to Remember...

It is pretty late for this post. Procrastination is the key (not emotions). But better late than never, right? It was my last day, at Infosys. Everything felt just normal. Not sad, not happy, no feeling. Na, that would be too harsh to say. There were feelings. Excitement of the new phase and the emotions when you depart from people. These emotions can't be termed as sadness, maybe bittersweet memories. Even this emotion was slow to fade in. After a game of bowling in the campus, I started walking towards the parking area to get my bike and leave for home. It is a good walk of near about 500 meters. I walked the lonely road on the boulevard, as 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams' was being played inside my head. Out of nowhere a memory hit me. The memory of me walking into the gates of Infosys Mysore campus, along with people from my college. Talking, Laughing, Walking, with a pair of bags rolling along. It was like and unlike college days at the same time. Time rolled b