The Basic Guide for Humanity: Emergency Vehicles

This post comes few days late. I ought to put it the same day the incident happened, but then I procrastinate things and so it comes late. How could I have denied the one thing that defines me for a post. This is how I justify myself.

There are somethings that grieve me about India and this incident is one of it. Not being anti-national (Felt I should clarify just so few bhakts and the so called nationalist patriots feel offended). Learn to take criticism India and improve on it (A suggestion from a low-key blogger).

Now back to the event.

It was a day in this week (don't remember the exact date), I was on my way to the office, waiting at the red light. Out of nowhere I start hearing the sirens wailing. I tried looking in the back from the rear view mirror to see what was coming or going.

I was not able to see one so I presumed that it was on the opposite lane. After a while the siren grew louder and I could see in the corner of the mirror blue beacon flashing. I soon realized it was an ambulance.

Now. As sensible human, every vehicle blocking the way of an emergency vehicle is supposed to move to a side and make a clear way for it to move. And so, I started moving to the side. Few others were also doing the same.

This is my point right here. There were just a few doing that, while most were just trying to get past the traffic as soon as possible. I know that reaching on time for most of us is important. But people try and realize the difference between importance and emergency. An ambulance stuck in traffic with blaring siren is emergency. And emergency always has a higher priority over important.

If I'm in that ambulance I would surely not like it if I couldn't get to the hospital in time. Would you? Then why can you not just move your vehicle a little to the side and let the emergency vehicle pass.

There was this one vehicle that was right in front of the ambulance and it halted at the red signal, while the ambulance was trying to get a way out from behind. I understand you have to follow the traffic signal, especially when there is a cop around, but this does not mean you block its way. How stupid can you be?

Check this video below in case you are not aware about the things to do during an emergency. Hope this might enlighten you. Thanks.


  1. So true... I have seen situations where none have way to the ambulances.. Its true that sometimes its difficult to clear the way but u should if u can...nice one Royson

    1. Thanks. I'm glad to know that people agree with the current scenes and wish to change it..😊

  2. Very true.. people should be more sensible ...and in such emergency situations all people should try their best to make way for the ambulance...nice work roy..really appreciate


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