Whispering Diary - Part 5


Failed again. Oh my shrill voice. Doesn't let me do the Mr. Bean TaDa... You do not know Mr. Bean? GOoo... I can't have a conversation with someone so boring. Royson is better than you in this matter.

Oh! you have watched Bean. That's nice. Hope you better not be lying. I have not lied and so I expect honesty from your part as well. Cause, Honesty is the Best Policy.

It's been 3 weeks since I have gossiped. I was thinking I will stop RoyLeaks. Oh God! It is so difficult.  You still thinking what RoyLeaks is?? I can see it on your face. Boss, HERE!! Go refresh your memory.

Now back to where we left.

Aaaa.... Where did I finish?? Was it about the smile at the new place or the last day parties? Oh yeah, now I remember. It was about the last days.

Oops.. Did I say a little too much? Now do not think about the smile, its for some other day. Ignore that. I will come back to it later. Promise. Aai shapath. Yes, ignore, erase, format last 1 minute. This never happened. Obliviate.

That's better. Now back to where we left.

Entry Date: 19th Jan, 2016 2017

He came back from a party with his teammates - the close ones, the comfort zone kind of people. He had a party the previous day as well. Different people then, different people now and different people missed on both the days. Don't jump to conclusion - Royson, cool guy, partying back to back. Even I thought so, but then came the clarification.

By partying he meant, going out for dinner, having a few drinks. That's it. I don't call it party. Would you? Oh seriously! Even you are the poor low life soul? Yes, I judge people on this. So? Whats the harm? (Invisible Shrug)

Even he did not have money to spend. Such a low paying job that you can't throw a proper party. Guess I will never know that. Still doesn't make a difference I will be derogatory.

But it was a nice outing, according to him. (I am still negative in opinion). Talking about things, things unrelated to work, talks filled with humour and perversion, enjoying music and even dancing for few minutes on one of the days. The last three points forced me to give some credits and consider it "Sort of" party.

The talks weren't something you would enjoy listening, nor would I enjoy narrating. Lets skip that then.

After all the party description he came to tommorow being his last day at work. T-O-M-M-O-R-O-W, this is how he spells it. Auto correct has had a bad effect here. Quiet visible, isn’t it? I feel pity for his dyslexia that seems to be growing. Many words are twisted in here but I ignore it most of the times. Maybe someday I will give a list of wrong spelt words and you can correct him.

Now coming back. Tomorrow is his last day and he feels excited to start a new phase in life. Premature feeling. He is also ranting about how he will miss listening to some people chatter, the comical & philosophical talks of others, the extended breaks for lunch and tea, the back to back bowling days, the gossips/chitchats after daily calls. Pretty much everything that had been routine for past 2 years. Previously when friends had left only few things had changed and now with him leaving the entire schedule will be changed. He was being skeptical about having a similar life at his new place.

And so things changed for our dear Royson. For better or worse that time shall tell. To know more stayed tuned to... Wait, not tuned, stay alert for the next time that I show up.

I shall be back soon. For now - Alvida.


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