Story Of Evolution - Last Part

A long time ago (age of stone weapons - to know more check previous part), in some land far far away, Lall troops had evolved to a great extent. They were hunting and cooking, when they found fire and suitable stones. Other times they were traversing different lands.

When they did not find any fire, Lall was the most agitated. He was so used to eating cooked food that he detested raw meat. He had a group to try and create fire but all in vain.

When they were out of fire they used to move to a new place in search of fire. On one such expedition they came to a strange land. A land filled with many small creatures. This meant a lot more food for the food.

But there was a catch (twist in the tale), the stones here were all rounded. Lack of weapons meant a hard time hunting. Lall had no clue what to do.

In this time, Seta - the shortest member of the troop - came to the rescue. She was smart. She figured out that rubbing two rounded stones would chip the stones. Lall learning this, commanded everyone to this task.

Every night all the apes would sit chipping stones, creating weapons. Next day they would go hunting. But still they did not have fire to enjoy their hunt.

On one night, Zee - a common ape - was creating his weapon for next day. He picked two white rounded stones. The moment he stroked the two stones against each other a miracle happened. Instead of the stones chipping off, sparks were formed.

Zee, was puzzled. He went to Seta to show her what just happened. Smart Seta figured out that Zee had found the gift of the gods. She got a dry bark and told Zee to strike the stones. No sooner, did Zee do that, there was fire rising on one end of the bark. The light attracted the entire troop towards them.

The troop acknowledged Zee's discovery. Zee was worshiped as God. Zee, now had more power than Lall. But that did not bother Lall. He was content (for some time) to have his own fire.

(And this is how kids, humans came.)


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