Whispering Diary - Part 3

Hola!! I am back. Back with a bang... NOT!

This NOT joke never seems to work. Not wasting your time anymore (since you are very busy doing nothing), I'll continue with the RoyLeaks😛. WikiLeaks sounds so much better than RoyLeaks, but hold on my friend some day my gossips will be the talk of the town. I know.. I know... that is too much of  over confidence, but whats bad in being hopefully hopeful.

Now back to the gossip. Wait before I start. Its been quiet a while since we last met. Wish to check our previous conversation, then click HERE!!

It has been a while since our last chat, but I am not to be blamed. The frequency of our chats will be proportional to the frequency of diary entries. Like Owner, like Diary. (Like father, like son OR like master, like slave.)

Now that I have justified myself. Justification was necessary, else you wouldn't wait to listen to me and maybe you will convince Royson to have more diary entries.

Coming back to where we left... ahh... Ya I remember.

Entry date: 6th Jan, 2016. It was in fact 6th Jan, 2017 but you know the reason, right?

Okay. Today Roy went with few of his colleagues to have fun time at bowling. Bowling never happened though. The alley was closed for some maintenance work. I actually felt bad for Roy today.

But there were people around him. Not just any people, his colleagues to be precise. People with whom he has almost daily interaction. They were talking, making fun, laughing on each others crush. The twist here is Roy was not included in They. He was just at the side like a spectator, smiling. No one knows his crush, nor is anyone interested in knowing it seems. More like he is not interested in telling. Cause he never mentioned the name to me as well. Such high insecurities. Can you imagine?

And that is the reason I called him a boring person. But I think I need to change this perspective based on one of the recent entry.

Wanna know what changed my perspective. Hold on tight, cause I will be revealing in the next line...

One thing done right. Yippeee!!!

The revelation will be for next time. Promise.

Sayonara till we meet again.


  1. Participate in blogging contest at http://www.funkaar.in/contest.html....ending soon.....Assured prizes for winners....


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